When there is a bone deficit, the connective tissue, epithelial tissue and bone tissue competes for the space caused from the bone lost. Due to the nature of bone being slow in forming new bone tissue, the other two tissue types tend to invade into the space quicker than bone. Therefore, in order to ensure growth of the bone, tissue membrane blockers are used to guide the epithelial and connective tissue around the bone deficit and thereby preventing their invagination.


        The OsteoBiol membrane blockers mostly utilize mesenchymal tissues and collagen from animal origins. Osteobiol has a variety of solutions for every clinical indication.


        The “Evolution” membrane line is the basic membrane blocker that provides the maximum adaptability to both bone tissue and soft tissues. It comes in a variety of sizes and shapes and can still be reshaped with sterile scissors allowing easy customizability of the membrane to your surgical case. The membrane has a smooth and a micro-rough side allowing ideal soft tissue and bone healing.


        The “Special” membrane line is obtained from extra fine mesenchymal tissues and is completely resorbable. Once hydrated, they become translucent and flexible, guiding the growth of epithelium and preventing its invagination: their action favors therefore an optimal regeneration of the underlying bone tissue.


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